
Your Cookware

Now, let’s turn to the issue of pots and pans.

It’s recommended by most people to get rid of your pots and pans if you have been cooking with them containing gluten. Why? Mostly because you can’t get anything truly clean. If you’ve used anything that has scratched the pot, then traces of gluten can be in the cracks. This is especially true for anything that you’ve used for baking (pie tins, cake pans, cupcake pans, etc) because you usually use a knife to cut the food inside the dish.

Plus, food cakes on the inside and outside of your pots, so you will have trace amounts of gluten in the pot whether you see it or not.

Now, I didn’t to go throw everything out and start completely over. I didn’t want to spend that type of money, so I slowly have been phasing out my glutened cookware. It takes longer, but it’s a cheaper alternative. Just make sure to label your new pots in some way to ensure you remember which ones are newer.

Chopping blocks are considered one of the first things that need to be replaced, as immediately as possible. New colanders are also a good investment, since you know that they constantly touched pasta.


Sophie said...

WOW! I didn't know that people with gluten allergies had to be this careful! Even though I don't have a gluten-allergy (in fact, my kitchen is definitely contaminated with tons of it) it's still neat to learn about it :). Cool blog!

J.J. said...

Yeah, you have to be really careful because the trace amounts are sneaky. I doubt with your food sensitivities that you would have to worry about this all that much. Even trace amounts can destroy the villa in someone with celiacs, which is why I don't eat out all that often.

Thanks for checking out my site. I love yours. I oogle at the yummy gluten food all the time. ;)

dyserenity said...
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